Enron ERISA Class Action - Tittle,
et al. v. Enron Corp., et al., H-01-3913 (S.D. Tex.)
The Tittle action and a series of related
cases (since consolidated into Tittle) were filed in federal
district court in Houston in late 2001 on behalf of then-current and
former Enron employees who were participants in or beneficiaries of
the Enron Corporation Savings Plan, the Enron Corporation Employee
Stock Ownership Plan or the Enron Corporation Cash Balance Plan. GLF
was appointed class co-counsel.
The case is largely settled, with recoveries for the
classes certified exceeding $225 million.
The settling defendants include: Enron Corporation
(over $100 million); Northern Trust Company ($37.5 million); Enron
Directors, Plan Administrative Committee members and human-resource
staff ($85 million); Arthur Andersen LLP and David B. Duncan ($1.25
million); Kenneth Lay (approximately $12 million).